Welcome on B2T
Hey hey,
Welcome on this test-site
sorry, no real content here, just a playground with Hugo stuff that needs tweaking…
B2T = bARt = My first name… ( a Numeronym like i18n, k8s, … and Jan “ess-twelve-en” Scherpenhuizen )
- [Data] Docker Sub-Pages from 1 JSON
- [Data] Test Docker taxonomy
- [Data] count draft pages - how to check if you are running hugo server with the -D flag or not ...
- [Pages] google redir
- [Uniq] Uniq3
- [Data] Portainer-Templates - One Big Table
- [Pages] debug
- [Pages] slate - test uniq -c - clean version
- [Uniq] Uniq - test
- [Pages] .Site.Data.Tags - This is what I want to do...
- [Pages] .Site.Data.Tags - Data dump
- [Pages] slate - test uniq -c
- [Pages] .Site.Data.Tags - Test2 - using index
- [Pages] .Site.Data.Tags - A first test
( _default\index - Kind='home' )