Grep with "books" on the JSON-data (2)

/dockers/ (/data/Dockers) >> 3dprinters = Backupandsyncserver - Bookmarks - Books - Calendar - Cctv = Wordpress

Title Desc Ports Env / Vol
Calibre Web Calibre-web is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks using an existing Calibre database. It is also possible to integrate google drive and edit metadata and your calibre library through the app itself. This software is a fork of library and licensed under the GPL v3 License.

Note: Portainer App Templates by Technorabilia based on data provided by

Don't forget to create the volume directories on the host file system.

mkdir -p /volume1/docker/calibre-web/config
mkdir -p /volume1/docker/calibre-web/books

Image: linuxserver/calibre-web:latest

Category: Books
PUID="15000" #PUID
PGID="15000" #PGID
TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ
DOCKER_MODS="linuxserver/mods:universal-calibre" #DOCKER_MODS

Calibre-web Calibre-web is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks using an existing Calibre database. It is also possible to integrate google drive and edit metadata and your calibre library through the app itself. This software is a fork of library and licensed under the GPL v3 License.

Note: Portainer App Templates by Technorabilia based on data provided by

Don't forget to create the volume directories on the host file system.

mkdir -p /volume1/docker/calibre-web/config
mkdir -p /volume1/docker/calibre-web/books

Image: linuxserver/calibre-web:latest

Category: Books
PUID="1024" #PUID
PGID="100" #PGID
TZ="Europe/Amsterdam" #TZ
DOCKER_MODS="linuxserver/mods:universal-calibre" #DOCKER_MODS

( layout\dockers\term - Kind='term' )