Grep with "homeautomation" on the JSON-data (3)
/dockers/ (/data/Dockers) >> 3dprinters = Graphicdesign - Helpdesk - Homeautomation - Identitymanagement - Knowledgebase = Wordpress
Title | Desc | Ports | Env / Vol |
Homebridge |
Homebridge allows you to integrate with smart home devices that do not natively support HomeKit. There are over 2,000 Homebridge plugins supporting thousands of different smart accessories.
Note: Template created by Pi-Hosted Series Check our Github page: Official Webpage: Official Docker Documentation: Bringing HomeKit support where there is none Image: homebridge/homebridge:latest Category: Homeautomation |
PGID="1000" #PGID PUID="1000" #PUID HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI="1" #HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI_PORT="8581" #HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI_PORT TZ="America/New_York" #TZ /portainer/Files/AppData/Config/homebridge:/homebridge |
Homebridge - Debian |
Debian Homebridge allows you to integrate with smart home devices that do not natively support HomeKit. There are over 2,000 Homebridge plugins supporting thousands of different smart accessories.
Note: Template created by Pi-Hosted Series Check our Github page: Official Webpage: Official Docker Documentation: Bringing HomeKit support where there is none Image: homebridge/homebridge:ubuntu-arm32v7 Category: Homeautomation |
PGID="1000" #PGID PUID="1000" #PUID HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI="1" #HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI_PORT="8581" #HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI_PORT TZ="America/New_York" #TZ /portainer/Files/AppData/Config/debian-homebridge:/homebridge |
iobroker |
IoBroker is a open source IoT platform written in JavaScript that easily connects smarthome components from different manufactures. With the help of plugins (called: adapters) ioBroker is able to communicate with a big variety of IoT hardware and services using different protocols and APIs.
Note: Template created by Pi-Hosted Series Check our Github page: Official Webpage: Official Docker Documentation: Image: buanet/iobroker:latest Category: Homeautomation |
8081:8081/tcp |
PUID="1000" #PUID PGID="1000" #PGID /portainer/Files/AppData/Config/iobrokerdata:/opt/iobroker |
( layout\dockers\term - Kind='term' )