Grep with "serverless" on the JSON-data (4)

/dockers/ (/data/Dockers) >> 3dprinters = Searchengine - Security - Serverless - Smarthome - Social = Wordpress

Title Desc Ports Env / Vol
IronFunctions Open-source serverless computing platform

Note: Deploys the IronFunctions API and UI.

Repository > stacks/ironfunctions/docker-stack.yml

Category: Serverless
IronFunctions API Open-source serverless computing platform

Image: iron/functions:latest

Category: Serverless

IronFunctions UI Open-source user interface for IronFunctions

Image: iron/functions-ui:latest

Category: Serverless

OpenFaaS Serverless functions made simple

Note: Deploys the API gateway and sample functions. You can access the UI on port 8080. Warning: the name of the stack must be 'func'.

Repository > docker-compose.yml

Category: Serverless
( layout\dockers\term - Kind='term' )