Grep with "backup" on the JSON-data (4)

/dockers/ (/data/Dockers) >> 3dprinters = Authenticationserver - Automation - Backup - Backupandsyncserver - Bookmarks = Wordpress

Title Desc Ports Env / Vol
Immich {shmolf} Self-hosted backup solution for photos and videos on mobile device.

Note: Application documentation 🗗

Repository > stacks/immich/docker-compose.yml

Category: Photos Backup
PUID="1000" #PUID
PGID="1000" #PGID
IMMICH_VERSION="release" #Immich version
DB_USERNAME="postgres" #Database username
DB_PASSWORD="please-change-this-to-a-random-secret" #Database password
DB_DATABASE_NAME="immich" #Database name
DB_HOSTNAME="immich_postgres" #Database hostname
UPLOAD_LOCATION="/portainer/Files/AppData/Immich/upload" #File backup location
REDIS_HOSTNAME="immich_redis" #Redis hostname
PORT="2283" #Http Port
Rclone Config Backup Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from cloud providers (Dropbox, GDrive, Box, etc)

Image: mediadepot/rclone:latest

Category: Backup Cloud Networkother Tools

Resilio Sync Resilio Sync (formerly BitTorrent Sync) uses the BitTorrent protocol to sync files and folders between all of your devices. There are both free and paid versions, this container supports both.

Image: linuxserver/resilio-sync:latest

Category: Backup Cloud Networkother Tools
PGID="15000" #PGID
PUID="15000" #PUID
TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ

UrBackup UrBackup is an easy to setup Open Source client/server backup system, that through a combination of image and file backups accomplishes both data safety and a fast restoration time.

Note: Template created by Pi-Hosted Series
Check our Github page:

Official Webpage:
Official Docker Documentation:

Image: uroni/urbackup-server:latest

Category: Backup
PUID="1000" #PUID
PGID="1000" #PGID

( layout\dockers\term - Kind='term' )