Grep with "networkother" on the JSON-data (20)
/dockers/ (/data/Dockers) >> 3dprinters = Networkdns - Networking - Networkother - Networkserver - Networkweb = Wordpress
Title | Desc | Ports | Env / Vol |
ChangeDetection | - The best and simplest self-hosted open source website change detection monitoring and notification service. An alternative to Visualping, Watchtower
Image: Category: Documents Networkother Tools |
5000/tcp |
/opt/mediadepot/apps/changedetection:/datastore |
Cloud Commander |
Cloud Commander a file manager for the web with console and editor.
Image: coderaiser/cloudcmd Category: Documents Networkother Tools |
8000/tcp |
/opt/mediadepot/apps:/media/host/opt/mediadepot /media/storage:/media/host/media/storage /media/temp:/media/host/media/temp |
Droppy |
Droppy is a self-hosted file storage server
Image: silverwind/droppy:latest Category: Tools Networkweb Networkother |
8989/tcp |
GID="15000" #GID UID="15000" #UID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /media/storage/tvshows:/files/tvshows /media/storage/movies:/files/movies /media/storage/music:/files/music /media/storage/photos:/files/photos /media/storage/ebooks:/files/ebooks /media/storage/documents:/files/documents /media/storage/software:/files/software /media/storage/downloads:/files/downloads /media/temp/blackhole:/files/blackhole /media/temp/processing:/files/processing /opt/mediadepot/apps/droppy:/config |
Filebrowser |
filebrowser provides a file managing interface within a specified directory and it can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit your files.
Image: mediadepot/filebrowser:latest Category: Tools Networkweb Networkother |
8080/tcp |
TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /media/storage/tvshows:/srv/tvshows /media/storage/movies:/srv/movies /media/storage/music:/srv/music /media/storage/photos:/srv/photos /media/storage/ebooks:/srv/ebooks /media/storage/documents:/srv/documents /media/storage/software:/srv/software /media/storage/downloads:/srv/downloads /media/temp/blackhole:/srv/blackhole /media/temp/processing:/srv/processing /opt/mediadepot/apps/filebrowser:/config |
Filerun |
access your files anywhere through self-hosted secure cloud storage, file backup and sharing for your photos, videos, files and more.
Repository > stacks/filerun/docker-compose.yml Category: Documents Networkother Tools |
Gaps |
Gaps searches through your Plex Server or local folders for all movies, then queries for known movies in the same collection.
Image: housewrecker/gaps:latest Category: Tools Networkweb Networkother |
8484/tcp |
TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ |
Healthchecks |
Healthchecks is a watchdog for your cron jobs. It’s a web server that listens for pings from your cron jobs, plus a web interface.
Image: linuxserver/healthchecks Category: Tools Networkweb Networkother Statusstable |
8000/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ SITE_ROOT="healthchecks.depot.lan" #SITE_ROOT SITE_NAME="healthchecks" #SITE_NAME DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL="[email protected]" #DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL EMAIL_HOST="" #EMAIL_HOST EMAIL_PORT="" #EMAIL_PORT EMAIL_HOST_USER="" #EMAIL_HOST_USER EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD="" #EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD EMAIL_USE_TLS="" #EMAIL_USE_TLS /opt/mediadepot/apps/healthchecks:/config |
Heimdall |
Heimdall is a way to organise all those links to your most used web sites and web applications in a simple way.
Image: linuxserver/heimdall:latest Category: Tools Networkweb Networkother Statusstable |
80/tcp 443/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /opt/mediadepot/apps/heimdall:/config |
Homepage |
A modern (fully static, fast), secure (fully proxied), highly customizable application dashboard with integrations for more than 25 services and translations for over 15 languages. Easily configured via YAML files (or discovery via docker labels).
Image: Category: Tools Networkweb Networkother Statusstable |
3000/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /opt/mediadepot/apps/homepage:/app/config /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime |
Klaxon |
Klaxon is a free, quick to set up and easy to use robot that checks websites regularly so you don’t have to.
Repository > stacks/klaxon/docker-compose.yml Category: Documents Networkother Tools |
n8n |
n8n allows you to build flexible workflows focused on deep data integration.
Image: Category: Networkother Tools |
5678/tcp |
GENERIC_TIMEZONE="America/Los_Angeles" #GENERIC_TIMEZONE TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /opt/mediadepot/apps/n8n:/home/node/.n8n /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime | |
Netbootxyz is a way to PXE boot various operating system installers or utilities from one place within the BIOS without the need of having to go retrieve the media to run the tool
Image: linuxserver/netbootxyz:latest Category: Downloaders Networkother Tools |
3000/tcp 69/udp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID /opt/mediadepot/apps/netbootxyz:/config /media/storage/software/netbootxyz:/assets /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime |
Ombi |
Ombi allows you to host your own Plex Request and user management system. If you are sharing your Plex server with other users, allow them to request new content using an easy to manage interface
Image: linuxserver/ombi:latest Category: Downloaders Networkother Mediaappvideo Tools |
3579/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID /opt/mediadepot/apps/ombi:/config /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime |
Overseerr |
Overseerr is a request management and media discovery tool built to work with your existing Plex ecosystem.
Image: Category: Downloaders Networkother Mediaappvideo Tools |
5055/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /opt/mediadepot/apps/overseerr:/config /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime |
Plex Requests |
Simple automated way for users to request new content for Plex.
Image: linuxserver/plexrequests:latest Category: Downloaders Networkother Mediaappvideo Tools |
3000/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID /opt/mediadepot/apps/plexrequests:/config /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime |
Pure-FTP Server |
Pure-FTPd is a free (BSD), secure, production-quality and standard-conformant FTP server.
Image: stilliard/pure-ftpd:hardened Category: Networkother Utilities |
21/tcp 30000/tcp 30001/tcp 30002/tcp 30003/tcp 30004/tcp 30005/tcp 30006/tcp 30007/tcp 30008/tcp 30009/tcp |
FTP_USER_NAME="depot" #FTP_USER_NAME FTP_USER_PASS="badpass" #FTP_USER_PASS FTP_USER_HOME="/data" #FTP_USER_HOME FTP_USER_GID="15000" #FTP_USER_GID FTP_USER_UID="15000" #FTP_USER_UID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ PUBLICHOST="localhost" #PUBLICHOST /opt/mediadepot/apps/pureftp:/etc/pure-ftpd/passwd /media/storage/tvshows:/data/tvshows /media/storage/movies:/data/movies /media/storage/music:/data/music /media/storage/ebooks:/data/ebooks /media/storage/photos:/data/photos /media/storage/documents:/data/documents /media/storage/downloads:/data/downloads /media/storage/software:/data/software /media/temp/blackhole:/data/blackhole /media/temp/processing:/data/processing |
Rclone Config Backup |
Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from cloud providers (Dropbox, GDrive, Box, etc)
Image: mediadepot/rclone:latest Category: Backup Cloud Networkother Tools |
/opt/mediadepot/apps/rclone:/srv/rclone/config /opt/mediadepot/apps:/mnt/data |
Resilio Sync |
Resilio Sync (formerly BitTorrent Sync) uses the BitTorrent protocol to sync files and folders between all of your devices. There are both free and paid versions, this container supports both.
Image: linuxserver/resilio-sync:latest Category: Backup Cloud Networkother Tools |
8888/tcp 55555/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /opt/mediadepot/apps/resilio:/config /media/storage:/sync /media/storage/downloads:/downloads |
ruTorrent |
ruTorrent is a quick and efficient BitTorrent client
Image: mediadepot/rutorrent Category: Downloaders Networkother Tools |
80/tcp 51413/tcp 6881/tcp |
PGID="15000" #PGID PUID="15000" #PUID TZ="America/Los_Angeles" #TZ /opt/mediadepot/apps/rutorrent:/config /media/temp/processing:/processing /media/temp/blackhole:/blackhole /media/storage/downloads:/downloads |
vsftpd FTP Server |
Secure, fast FTP server for UNIX-like systems
Image: delfer/alpine-ftp-server Category: Networkother Utilities |
21/tcp 21000/tcp 21001/tcp 21002/tcp 21003/tcp 21004/tcp 21005/tcp 21006/tcp 21007/tcp 21008/tcp 21009/tcp 21010/tcp |
ADDRESS="" #ADDRESS USERS="depot|badpass|/home/depot|15000" #USERS /media/storage/tvshows:/home/depot/tvshows /media/storage/movies:/home/depot/movies /media/storage/music:/home/depot/music /media/storage/ebooks:/home/depot/ebooks /media/storage/photos:/home/depot/photos /media/storage/documents:/home/depot/documents /media/storage/downloads:/home/depot/downloads /media/storage/software:/home/depot/software /media/temp/blackhole:/home/depot/blackhole /media/temp/processing:/home/depot/processing |
( layout\dockers\term - Kind='term' )