Grep with "dashboard" on the JSON-data (2)
/dockers/ (/data/Dockers) >> 3dprinters = Continuousintegration - Crypto - Dashboard - Dashboardserver - Database = Wordpress
Title | Desc | Ports | Env / Vol |
Cryptofolio |
Cryptofolio is an open-source, and self-hosted solution for tracking your cryptocurrency holdings. It features a web interface, an Android mobile app, and a cross-platform desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Image: xtrendence/cryptofolio:latest Category: Dashboard Crypto Finance |
7280:80/tcp |
Jump |
Jump is yet another self-hosted startpage for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure.
Repository > Template/Stack/jump.yml Category: Dashboard |
( layout\dockers\term - Kind='term' )