Grep with "dashboardserver" on the JSON-data (4)

/dockers/ (/data/Dockers) >> 3dprinters = Crypto - Dashboard - Dashboardserver - Database - Databaseserver = Wordpress

Title Desc Ports Env / Vol
Fenrus Fenrus is a Node application and requires NodeJS to run. Once NodeJS is installed you can run Fenrus

Repository > Template/Stack/fenrus.yml

Category: Dashboardserver
PUID="1000" #PUID
PGID="1000" #PGID
Flame-Dashboard Flame is self-hosted startpage for your server. Its design is inspired (heavily) by SUI. Flame is very easy to setup and use. With built-in editors, it allows you to setup your very own application hub in no time - no file editing necessary.

Image: pawelmalak/flame

Category: Dashboardserver

Freeboard Freeboard is a turn-key HTML-based ’engine’ for dashboards. Besides a nice looking layout engine, it provides a plugin architecture for creating datasources (which fetch data) and widgets (which display data)— freeboard then does all the work to connect the two together.

Repository > Template/Stack/freeboard.yml

Category: Dashboardserver
MagicMirror2 MagicMirror2 Server

Image: karsten13/magicmirror:latest

Category: Dashboardserver
PUID="1000" #PUID
PGID="100" #PGID

( layout\dockers\term - Kind='term' )